I've read this tweets who was in the hospital because of COVID19.
Hey, so, I got #Covid19 in March. I’ve been sick for over 3 months w/ severe respiratory, cardiovascular & neurological symptoms. I still have a fever. I’ve been incapacitated for nearly a season of my life. It's not enough to not die. You don’t want to live thru this, either. 1/
— Dani Oliver (@DaniOliver) July 3, 2020
I will quote more simple way:
RT @DaniOliver: Hey, so, I got #Covid19 in March. I’ve been sick for over 3 months w/ severe respiratory, cardiovascular & neurological symptoms. I still have a fever. I’ve been incapacitated for nearly a season of my life. It's not enough to not die. You don’t want to live thru this, either. 1/
RT @DaniOliver: The CDC is also refusing to add widely-reported, terrifying symptoms to their lists. So here’s a grab bag of what patients like me are experiencing, so you know: Extreme tachycardia. My heart rate was once 160 while I was sleeping. Chest pain, like someone’s sitting… 3/
RT @DaniOliver: ...on your sternum. Back and rib pain like someone’s taken a baseball bat to your torso. Fatigue like you’ve never felt before in your life. Fatigue like your body is shutting off. Fatigue so bad that it would often make me cry because I thought it might mean I was dying. 4/
RT @DaniOliver: ..experiences like mine. It's not "well, a tiny fraction of people die, and most people are better in two weeks." This is simply untrue. So many of us have suffered for months. Ask yourselves: is going to get a coffee, or getting a haircut worth being debilitatingly ill... 15/
RT @DaniOliver: ...for a birthday party. Or a fucking bar night. Or visiting your fav restaurant. Good lord, I cannot stress this enough. Please. Wear a mask. Stay home as much as you can. And know that the recovery times associated with this illness are wrong. That people are suffering. 17/
I felt quite strange because people were still believing very early stage of COVID19 pandemic.
Let's think about it:
COVID19 patients were in the hospital. Why they were in the hospital? Because they have serious pains. It probably is life-threatening sickness. If it wasn't that serious, they don't need to stay at the hospital, right?
And I saw the stats of COVID19 in worldwide and recovered cases were still not even close to the active cases. That means many COVID19 patients were in the hospital for very long time.
As you can see from the Dani Oliver's tweet - It's not "well, a tiny fraction of people die, and most people are better in two weeks." This is simply untrue. So many of us have suffered from months.
FYI, 11+ million coronavirus cases, half million deaths--536,837 and recovered cases were 6.5 million--now. You can find stat from https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/.
I felt that many people were still believing very early stage of this worldwide pandemic. Early stage of this pandemic, many people believe it's kind of flu that it wasn't the life-threatening thing. But people were start to change their mind because they realise that it was very serious virus.
That's why I tweeted this:
Hospitalised. What does it mean, you think? They've got sickness--and include all the pains.
If COVID19 patients have just simple--common flu, why do you think they were--in the hospital.Seriously. Don't believe what news media were saying. Try to understand word that what it means.
#Hospitalised. What does it mean, you think? They've got sickness--and include all the pains.
— think logically (@whatusaw) July 6, 2020
If #COVID19 patients have just simple #flu, why do you think they were--in the hospital.
Seriously. Don't believe what #newsmedia were saying. Try to understand word that what it means.
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