Friday, October 23, 2015

I know you like the ‪‎Back to the future‬. But is that important?

I know you like the ‪‎Back to the future‬. But is that important?
There has so many issues out there. But rubbish ‎trend‬ is that important?

'Back to the future day'. Are you kidding me? Those ‪mindless‬ followers‬ make real‬ ‎world‬ became one great ‎joke‬!
That is what I wrote to my facebook account.
And one of my friends comment on it like this 'But I like it.'
So I replied it:

Yes, I enjoy the watching movie and I like the movie, too.
But social media all concentrating about it and wasting all the energy to it--probably more than thousands and thousands of articles, photos and even make video of it. Isn't that too much? That's what I'd like to make a point.

Whatever it is. It's just movie. It's like product.
We make history for that one product. How human society will become?
Don't you scare the what future look like?
Everyday we celebrate some product? We will became the slavery of that product, in the end.

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